Wednesday, July 27, 2011

day 7


In the words of Rachel Zoe,
Do you die? I die over this picture.
How perfect is he?

Yes. I skipped day 5 and 6...
but I've been sick as a dog.
and Ginger's sparkles are driving her nuts.

Yesterday, she unfortunately had to ask me if my mouth was sick,
after seeing me throw up for the 3rd time.
Then she woke up in the middle of the night crying
and said Look! Look! to my mom who rushed to her bed.
Behold, vomit was everywhere.
My poor baby.
All three of us shared mild fevers.
And sweet Oliver nearly jumped out of his skin every time I blew my nose.

All I can say is thank goodness for moms.
My mom came to our rescue yesterday and babied all three of us babies.
And my mother in law, Peggy, took Oliver for the day
so I could recoup.



These pictures of G and me crack me up.
Thats her Calamine Lotion. Bottom's Up.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Case of the Sparkles

Ginger woke up with some bug bites on her and
we just couldnt believe it.
We had the house sprayed twice within the last two weeks.

That was at 8 am, at 10 am she had about 18 bug bites.
Wait, that couldnt be right.
Chicken Pox!

Well, if I know one thing about my Ginger- or all toddlers, really -
it's that they are really, really impressionable.

One day I wore a shirt with a bit of sequin on it.
hey it's Vegas, totally acceptable.
Ginger said, Ooooooh, I like your sparkles.
I thanked her and then she pointed to a bug bite and said, I have a sparkle too!

theyre not chicken pox- they are sparkles.
Ooooh and they are so gorgeous!
We keep saying, I like your sparkles.
and she'll look at her arm admirably and say so sincerely, Oh thank you!!

And guess what?! You get to put pretty pink makeup on your sparkles!

I would say this calls for a Sparkle Party!
And whats a party without some candles to blow out?



The cookies were supposed to look like sparkle pox.
And yes the first picture I did want the focus on the cookies.
However the seccond picture it was supposed to be on her happy little face.
Seriously it felt SO good to see the her look so happy as we sang
"Happy Sparkle Day to You"

Willow was a guest of honor, helping her celebrate...
and soon we will help her celebrate.


I think it was a successful happy sparkle day overall.



day 3 and 4

Day 3 was clouds.
It was about 8 pm when I realized this...
I was just about to make a run to the store
for diet coke and ice cream.
The sun was going down and I thought,
Oh pretty,
oh crap.
So I ran back in, grabbed the camera and stood in the middle of the street to
take a picture.


Day 4 is Something green.
I went to fremont Street last night with a couple of friends.
friends that are a couple.
a couple that feels like family.

Eric has some camera lenses that will blow your mind.
or at least make you say, Oh cool.
I kept saying, thank you for letting me play with your lenses.
Because seriously, it's really nice when someone lets you play with a toy that
is valuable to them.

Oh heres my green picture...


It's not my favorite picture of the night,
but I forgot about the green challenge and this was all I got.


well I got this one too,
sort of a green tint,

But I do love this picture...


Shout out to Jess.
A picture of you on my blog.
Ask and ye shall receive.

Did I mention I did day three on day four and day four a half hour
before day four.
I just felt like I should be honest.
Ok now to bed, where I am going to snuggle Oliver.

Oh and PS
Ginger has the Sparkles!
Chicken Pox= Sparkles
More on that tomorrow.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 2

I told you this was going to be a challenge.
I didnt even remember to take a picture until 1130 tonight.

Too bad I couldnt find my camera.
So Photos via iphone.
What can you do?

Today was: What I wore Today.
I really wish I'd have known that when I got dressed.


This is a go to outfit,
usually reserved for running errands because its comfortable.
Pants: green slim cords from Anthropologie.
Top: an urban outfitter find. And guess who else has this shirt? Tori Spelling. She wore it on her reality show once. And I was like OMG.
Shoes: not shown... red vans. because I cant match to save my life. oh and sans laces because I was too lazy to put them in.

On a side note.
events of the day included...
sleeping in until 10 am. It. was. Ahhhhmazing.
an appt for the kids with the nutritionist. A stupid long time in the waiting room.
Ginger told the nutritionist her favorite food was "Vegetables".
I smiled modestly and did sort of a "what can I say?" shrug.
Even if it was a lie. Pretty sure her favorite food is chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream.
But check out this drawing... she traced her hand!


Oliver: weight: 19.5 pounds. Height: 28 inches
Ginger: weight: 24 pounds. Height: 34 inches
Which I think is perfect for both of them.
Oliver tried very hard to crawl today.
Ginger peed on the floor. yup, just like an animal.
I went the whole day without watching Tangled.
Ginger, Oliver, Moses and I all ate dinner on one chair. at the same time.
and not for lack of space... just because.


Yes. Ginger is naked. She is always naked.

I read an article that changed my life; Youre nobody's victim, not even your own.

I am tired and exhausted...
but I am grateful because I have the blessing of being a mom.
Is there anything better than babes in pjs?


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 1

Im taking a 30 day photography challenge.
Challenge is most definitely the right word,
We all know how my 365 blog went.

Day one is self portrait.

I decided to take a picture of me in a familiar setting.
I guess to make it more authentic.
So here I am sanding my parents table.
I've been working on un-ninety-ing this Circa 1992 piece for for three weeks.
And I'll be damned if this isnt the smoothest table top
to ever grace this earth.

Speaking of smooth table tops...
check out the definition in my legs and arms!


I know I should be more modest...
(I also know it looks like Im d.i.y.-ing in my underwear)
but I have been trying very hard to have a healthy physique.

And this picture makes me feel strong.

PS... Whose doing this with me?!


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

why is mater in the refrigerator?

Im assuming we all know who Mater is, if not... here he is.


Miss Ginger has decided from here on forth
all trucks shall be known as Mater.

Tuesday morning I heard Ginger, yelling from her bed...
"Hi! How are you?! How are you?! Good Morning!"
who the heck was she talking to, I wondered...
I'd like to say she greets me like that first thing in the morning,
but its more like,
"where's oliver? Im hungry. I wanna go downstairs. Im hungry. Im hungry, mama."
She was greeting Mater- the garbage truck.
which was out front collecting her dirty diapers.
So we ran downstairs as fast as possible because seeing Mater makes her day.
And she stood outside, bare bottomed, wearing nothing but an ear to ear grin.
It's the little things in life.

Last night we bought a Mater at Smiths.

photo (32)

I've found Mater in the fridge three times.
But I used my super advanced detective skills
and put the pieces of the puzzle together...

ginger mater and a watermelon

the watermelon lured Ginger to the refrigerator.
She had to set down Mater,
how else was she supposed to dig her fingers in the watermelon?

Everyday brings new adventures, new mysteries, new trucks in the refrigerator.