Tuesday, November 2, 2010

for your viewing pleasure

We spent Halloween at the Cannon's.
It was awesome.
the food was fabulous.
And Jessica wouldn't let anyone in without a costume.
Which means my halloween scrooge (aka casey)
finally wore a costume.
He was the best Wiggle I've ever seen.

ali halloween e

I went with a classic.
a witch.
and dont even think about saying something to the effect
of it not being much of a stretch for me.

casey halloweene

girls halloween e

boys halloween e

casey ali halloween e

boys halloween 2 e

And finally the whole fam.
treese fam halloween e

Many props to the talented Eric and Jessica.
These amazing photos were takin
in their garage
against the awesome mural painted by Eric himself.
Super impressive!

Happy Halloween!


mel or kel said...

Casey looks like he should be on the show...Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving Casey's costume! Mike is a Halloween Scrooge too. Seriously. We got invited to TWO Halloween parties that I didn't know about because he automatically said no. I was like, thanks. I love that you guys all took pictures with a great background too. I may steal that in the future. That is, if my Scrooge will ever warm his heart.

The Bells said...

Ali, you are too cute to be a witch. sorry. :)
But Casey makes a convincing wiggle.
Did Ginger LOVE Halloween?
Hope you are feeling well... the countdown is on, eh?