I've been meaning to give a Ginger update. I see all these moms giving the regular update and Im thinking, shoot, I'm already failing the blog mom test.
Here's whats going on with my 7 month old (8 months in a week)
She is babbling like crazy. The funniest noises, I swear this girl... She can growl like no other. It's the funniest when she's mad. She doesn't really cry, its more like telling us off in baby talk. The growling is a straight message to us, like: Mom, Dad- I'm over Target- get me out of here NOW. Other times the growling is just for fun. Just to show the world that even though Mommy rarely takes her out of the house without a bow and a lot of pink and purple is going on; the message is; Haha Mommy tries to make me as dainty and feminine as possible but look at me world; I'm a dinosaur.
She isnt crawling, thank goodness. Yes, I said that. Right now, she is so chill. During the day, we post up on the floor, she likes to play with any toy, although the remote is her favorite. Which makes you think, Why? All these great toys and you go for the remote? Anyway, she eats the remote, I do my thing, we play together-sometimes every 5 minutes, sometimes every 20. Ummm sometimes a little longer.
Point is; I'm not dumb, I've seen a mobile baby. Once that happens, bye bye- chill days. Not that I want to stop her growing process, but you know. Okay no sugar coating... She'll crawl, then walk- it's inevitable... but give me some time. My feelings wont be hurt if she's a little behind. Casey thinks this is messed up... you probably do too.
She likes to bang on things. Gouge eyes. Eat. Loves when dad comes home. Always gets joy from Moses. Her legs are super strong. She likes everyone. Sleeps so much I have to wake her up.
Hates... THE BOOGER SUCKER. I don't know if there is anything worst to her than cleaning out her nose. hates having paper taken away from her. or anything for that matter.
Really I think thats it. She's good, really good. It freaks me out because sometimes I get overwhelmed then Im all worried... like, man, this is probably as well behaved as babies get... So what's going to happen with the next one?
This is proof, I need my own camera (Casey...), I have some cute iphone shots but they look all distorted on here. So this is last month, I think, So somewhat updated.
What's going on with me; I've been all into these DIY projects and decorating our new house. It's making me busy and helping me be happy. Casey bought me my own staple gun and palm sander and I nearly cried. LOVE THEM. I want to post about my projects so far but they're all like 60% done... Why not finish one and then start the other? I dont freaking know, I've always been that way. Im about to start soccer, which I'm really nervous about. There's the nose thing ( broke my nose during a game). And the lack of muscle issue. So bring on the ensure and weights. And the fact that I have a fear of sucking, it's been a while.
And Casey, well you saw the last post. Trying to skate more. He's working... a lot. But still comes home and is all about G. Unfortunately thats about all he has time for... Ginger Loving, Work and Skate. Okay so many words, I promise, I'll be better.
Warning... Lots of pictures and tons of words... so if you get bored reading keep scrolling down you'll get to the good stuff.
You all know I find Casey so hot when he skates. I think I mentioned before that Casey and his friends spent some time building a ramp. I believe it was called "Project Smalls". Isn't it adorable that these grown men still build skate ramps and give them cute names? What? No, I'm not making fun, It's really precious. Project Smalls was built and then needed to be relocated so at dinner with Casey's family, Casey asks his parents if their backyard can be the ramps new home. and you should have seen his brothers eyes light up. I was thinking, Ya right, they've spent a lot of time making their backyard beautiful...there is no way. But I kid you not, his Mom and Dad's eyes lit up too. And so the ramp found a home. I tell you this because I realized Casey's parents love making their boys happy. I shouldn't have been surprised, after all they did let them graffiti their old drained pool and skate that.
I hope I can be that way. I hope we can create a place where my kids and grand-children can basically have a huge playground at their disposal. Maybe I'll give it a cute name, perhaps I'll call it... "Neverland Ranch". No, not very original, okay maybe, "Project Large".
Mike Cunningham (http://thedigitalorange.com/blog/) who is a very talented photographer and Treese family friend was going to be in Vegas and wanted to take pictures of a skate sesh...session... ah the conundrum I face every time I have to use Casey's language. Am I lame because I say "skate sesh" and "shred" or a dork if heaven forbid I use the actual words; skateboard session or snowboarding or whatever. Moving on, Eric, who is a very talented videographer was there as well to shoot a video.
I love this picture of Casey, I can't wait to print it.
And here's the "sick" video Eric made Ok answer to my previous question, LAME I just cant pull off Casey's verbal dopeness.
If there was a "How To Be A Great Husband As Much As Your Male Nature Will Allow You To" book, Casey read it, studied it and puts it into practice. Don't get me wrong, I can give you some great "What the hell were you thinking?" moments... But I probably have twice as many moments, so we just wont go there. Point is: We got married and Casey "got his grown man on," Instantly, overnight. You're probably wondering why I switched gears, well here you go I'm sure Casey wishes he could skate every day like high school or snowboard 4 days a week in winter like college. Man, married life and a baby steals your hobbies. But it does replace it with amazing blessings that are worth the sacrifice... you're welcome Casey for being your wife. Kidding. Sort of. I'm talking mostly about being parents. A laugh from a 7 month old can make you feel incredibly fulfilled. I still hope we can find a happy balance between it all. Maybe a four day work week, a three day weekend And the extra day will be used as an extra free day in which your child(ren) laugh and smile and watch contently as parents indulge themselves. Or the Grandparents take over... Peggy? Sheila? Ginger's free every night this week.
Here are some more pictures
And here's a great one of Casey's brother Cody
As you can see Mike is super talented. And Eric too, I asked Eric to film Ginger's Birth but it didn't happen, I wish I would have followed through with that idea. He totally said he wouldn't be scarred from the experience. Now that's a professional, when G was crowning, they kept asking Casey to look over and see her head and he was all, No I'm good up here. Anyway you can check out Eric's work here: http://www.illmaticvideo.com/blog/